Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Sunday, February 08, 2009

3 years old

No excuse, it's time to update this blog...

Bobo is officially 3 years, 1 month, 1 week and 5 days old; or 4 years old in Chinese calendar :-) We decided to keep her in the same group which she has been belonging to for under 3 years old kids. Hopefully by this year we will be able to move to new house, so anyway she would need to switch to a new daycare.

The group daycare Bobo stays was converted to a normal daycare during last summer. This means with the same space, more kids and nursery staff are put in. It was said the community was running out of daycares, many children were not able to find daycare places.

As for the financial crisis which everybody is talking about, I have to say that I haven't experienced too much yet in Finland. Bobo's dad laughed and said to me "Because you are not unemployed, YET".

Nowadays everybody is on Facebook, I realised how small the world is. I can always pump into someone that my friends know... Haha :-D

In addtion to our new year trip to Shanghai, we made another trip to Stockholm to see Bobo's cousins' family. Of course another reason was for cheap candy in the ferry. Or not cheap let's say less expensive candy. And winter discounts in Stockholm. The exchange rate between Euro and Swedish krona has been favouring us to find bargains in Sweden. As I always say, "Shopping is one thing I can do really well". hmm, next shopping wish is to upgrade my camera.

Bobo and cousin


Cream tasting

Game moment