Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Fruit cake

If I am going to change professionals, I would like to be either a painter, a chef, an interior designer or a zoo keeper :-) Saturday's party cake "forced" me to make one of mine own.

This fruit cake differs from usual cake, it doesn't require any baking. Instead it is mainly formed in the fridge. The process is not complicated, just takes few steps. We need following items:

  • 200g wheat cookies (kokojyväkeksejä) 麦子类的饼干
  • 100g melted margarine (sulatettua margariinia) 溶化的黄油
  • 4 agar (liivatelehteä) 洋菜
  • 2tlk quark/curd cheese (rahkaa) 凝乳
  • 1/2dl sugar (sokeria) 糖
  • 1tl vanilla sugar (vaniljasokeria) 香草糖
  • 200g white chocolate (valkosuklaata) 白巧克力
  • 2dl whipping cream (kuohukermaa) 奶油
  • 2rkl lemon juice (sitruunamehua) 柠檬汁
  • 4dl berries (marjoa) 浆果
  • 3dl any suitable reddish juice (punaista sokeroitua ja sopivaksi laimennettua mehua) 红色的果汁
  • 5 agar (liivatelehteä) 洋菜

Put agar into cold water, let them fully soaked. Add one piece of baking paper at the bottom of cake module.

Crash the cookies, put melted margarine, mix throughly. Lay the mixture into the module, press to a flat and even surface layer. Place the module to the fridge.

Melt the white chocolate with low temperature. Squeeze agar to remove unnecessary water. Put them into melted chocolate. Add few table spoons of hot boiling water, slowly mix with chocolate and agar. Once finished, leave it cool to room temperature.

Beat the whipping cream to foam. Mix throughly with sugar, vanilla sugar, lemon juice, curd cheese, and chocolate mixture. Insert the filling to the module. Remain in the fridge for few hours.

(berries on top)

Finally place berries on top of the filling. Boil the juice with agar leaves, leave it cool. Pour the juice mixutre onto the filling. Place the cake into fridge for another few hours.


Whuallaaa... Here it comes!

(final result)

If you have done any cheese cake, the process is pretty much the same. Hmm, I believe I will put bit less berries or more fillings next time.

It's time to have a cup of tea!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Perhaps one of the last summer parties...

Summer is quietly fading away... We can sense the chillness of autumn mornings and nights. Time to time, it falls bit rain. Such days are just so typical for Finnish springs and autumns. Soon darkness and coldness will follow, it will be until next May sun starts to shine warmly again...

We went to perhaps one of the last summer parties of the year. Bobo's step cousin has finished university study and becomes a psychology. Enjoy the nature...

(good to be out)

(through the kid's cottage window)

(plum in hand)

(this is better)

(pretty flowers right?)

(nice to meet you)

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

10 years on...

Exactly the same day but 10 years ago 22.8.1997, a young girl stepped onto Finland this unknown land.

Time dashes like flash! She wouldn't think that she will spend next 1/3 of her life span in this Nordic country.

Yes, that girl is ME :-)

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Potty training

It has been continuously few days for Bobo to pee in potty before taking shower. She is very excited and happy for it. It's another step forward. In the daycare, kids are put to potty each time after the meal. It's said to be quite effective. I was told that it's baby's nature instinct to know to hold the pee. When the time comes, it will come. Still many parents suggest to start potty training at latest of age 2. We haven't been intentionally training Bobo, usually she demands to go to use potty by herself. And most of time, there is nothing come out :-)

We start to have bed time reading for 3 weeks, Bobo loves it. I have been telling myself to read more books, but failed to keep this promise. Perhaps I should cut the time spending on the net. Reading is important...

(Bobo reading)

Today after a rain shower, the sky turned blue. We went to the lot. I decided to walk to check nearby stable, luckily horses are outside.

(check horses)

Very disappointing bean harvest year, I was only able to pick very few of them. I miss the year before that I got over 3 kilo of them.

(poor harvest)

Garage is ready for outside wall, it might take few more weeks before Tuomo is able to continoue working on the main house.

(garage is ready for wall)

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Beauty of sanding playing

In every community playing yard, it must equipped 3 items: a swing, a slider and a sand box. I have always been wondering what's the beauty of sand playing. I didn't play it when I was a child. Obviously here in Finland it is a daily business.

Everyday in daycare, children get twice outdoor activities. The first time in the morning 9:30-11:00, the second time in the afternoon 3:00-parents pick the kids. Of course it always depends on the weather condition. Every now and then, they also have a forest "expedition"...

Sand box plays an important role in daily outdoor activities. However, I am not a big fan of it, since everyday it makes Bobo so dirty, as well brings loads of sand back to home :-(

(Bobo playing sand in our lot)

Just lately I read that sand playing is extremely helpful in developing children's mathematic skill as well as creativity. It also calms down children. Perhaps that's why it's been party of children playing in the western countries.

In June while we were visiting Shanghai, to our surprise, we even found a sand box playing ground in a local shopping mall "世纪联华". The mall is happen to be a part of an international
grocery market chain. Kids in every age seemed enjoying so much there :-)

(Bobo playing sand in Shanghai shopping mall)

Child early education

I found following recommendation about child early educations from the net, they sounds very interesting.

  1. 孩子不需要太聪明,太锋芒毕露,我觉得那不是好事;关键是良好习惯的培养;
  2. 环境很重要,自己要做得正。
  3. 不要轻易养成一个坏习惯,那样你会发现,纠正一个坏习惯的时间会是2倍,3倍于养成习惯的时间;不要因为一时眼前的短暂利益妥协,随便就给孩子引入新的不良习惯,比如因为孩子不吃饭,就开电视让孩子看,来达到多喂几口饭的目的。
  4. 尊重孩子,习惯换位思考;
  5. 说真话,当你发现有些真话说出来可能会效果不好,那就注意说话的技巧,宁可说一半,说的外交辞令些,也不要说瞎话;
  6. 说孩子听得懂的话。习惯于讲道理的妈妈要说得简洁明了,忌讳像唐僧。
  7. 教育孩子注意技巧,循序渐进,不要一口吃成个胖子,一步步来;了解当前孩子的特点,不拔苗助长
  8. 有预见性,明明知道这么做可能会引起孩子强烈抗争并且自己还可能妥协,那么就不要去干预孩子,否则最后结果只会更坏不会更好。
  9. 吃,注意比较均衡的配比即可,无需太精细;1岁以前孩子保证奶量;一岁以后注意三餐即可;一天中的饮食做不到各类搭配均衡,那么一周中的饮食搭配一下,都兼顾一下,也是可以地
  10. 孩子不会饿死自己
  11. 吃饭一定要在餐椅上吃,不吃请离开
  12. 外出玩不可能像家中吃得那么放心的时候,也没必要太担心,能力范围内稍微注意下,比如选家干净的饭店;其他比如菜中是不是有味精,菜是不是绿色食品等,就没必要太担心了。
  13. 补钙什么的做到心中有数,不缺不补;多晒太阳
  14. 穿不讲究。不刻意
  15. 穿的和妈妈差不多多。
  16. 给孩子穿衣服,少一件比多一件要好。孩子运动量大,玩出汗风一吹更容易感冒,还更不容易好。
  17. 孩子流鼻涕了,加一件衣服。
  18. 判断冷热,摸孩子后脖子;
  19. 不给孩子经常,动辄吃小药。天冷季节,不定期给孩子吃点vc,或者每天吃点富含vc的水果。
  20. 感冒症状轻的时候,比如只有流鼻涕,不需要刚开始就吃药,可以多灌水;感冒大多数是病毒性的,病毒没有特效药,吃药14天好,不吃药2个礼拜好;很多时候都是大人自己心理安慰。
  21. 感冒发烧去医院的话,尽量要求验血;
  22. 一个人可能不生病吗?不可能;所以孩子感冒的时候,小病的时候,不要惊慌失措,辩证地想,得一次感冒相当于打了一针预防针。对这种宏观上不可避免的事情,没必要太在意。
  23. 玩不怕脏
  24. 不影响到自己安危,不影响到他人利益,就不要对孩子的行为举止干涉太多
  25. 放手让孩子玩,摸爬滚打,不头破血流就可以
  26. 不是所有危险的东西都禁止孩子走近;可以控制的范围内,教孩子危险在哪里,怎么避免。
  27. 尽量多给孩子自己体会的机会,不直接告诉结果;让他去摸索,去磕碰,去失败;
  28. 教孩子学会等待;
  29. 教孩子对自己的行为负责;
  30. 教孩子付出和回报是双向的,学会感恩
  31. 睡觉尽量陪孩子入睡
  32. 注意保护孩子的注意力和兴趣
  33. 寒冷训练
  34. 社会上很多早教的方法,当不知道怎么做的时候,就不做,有所为有所不为;信奉宁缺勿滥'过犹不及。
  35. 孩子是社会的孩子,不要把自己太当作孩子的救世主,唯一;
  36. 不要过多纠缠在自己育儿细节上的为什么,理论依据。做就做了,既成事实,没那么多讲究。
  37. 每天尽量保证父母中的一方能够陪伴孩子玩耍一定时间。
  38. 每天想办法让孩子大笑狂笑若干次。
  39. 生活游戏化,游戏生活化
  40. 最重要的一句,我只需要一个70分的孩子,所以我也只要当一个70分的妈妈;不对自己严格要求,马马虎虎过得去就可以,我毕竟也是第一次当妈啊。
  41. 教孩子直面失败,我可以不服,但是我输得起,我可以选择放弃,也可以选择再次冲击,但是我不能在对手面前大哭
  42. 有小朋友进攻,学会审时度势,先正告一次,然后的基本原则就是,打得过就打,打不过就逃;在幼儿园的时候,可以大叫吸引别人的注意力
  43. 不先出手打人
  44. 无论谁先动手,你都不可以第一个哭
  45. 你对自己的东西有决定的权利;
  46. 计划3岁以后,我会给孩子引入每周零用钱的机制----要开始学有限的钱来办自己最想做的事,学开 源,学节流。
  47. 常带孩子去远足,去郊外;不惧怕风雨
  48. 争取每年都能回一次乡下老家,过不一样的生活
  49. 不把工作的烦恼带回家。


Thursday, August 16, 2007


Bobo got her first tooth around age of 9 months. So far 8 front teeth are in "position", the first molar teeth started coming out in June and July. They are still growing like spring bamboo shoots "coming out of the mud". I have to say her teeth are growing relatively slow. Many same age babies have already got all milk teeth.

(2006 Xmas with visible two bottom teeth)

Bobo had her first dentist check in last September. Back then she hasn't got any tooth yet, the dentist checked her jaws and gums and confirmed teeth would come at any time. One year after this September, she will have her second dentist check, since I have been concerning about her jaws. She quite often puts her the button jaw more front than the upper jaw. I was told by the doctor, babies at this age upper and bottom jaws should be in same line. Normally adult upper jaw is more front than bottom jaw.

(June 2007 with front upper & bottom teeth in place)

We brush Bobo's teeth everyday, but it is not an easy task. She prefers to bite the tooth brush and suck the water than brushing. We started to use a little bit tooth paste when her molar teeth started to be visible. She seems to like it because of it's sweatiness. However teeth brushing is still a headache task...

(kid's teeth)

Friday, August 10, 2007


Finally we find today is good for everybody, and the weather is warm and sunny. As well as to avoid weekend's crowds, we (Allu, Päivi, VP & us) agree to visit Linnanmäki - Helsinki amusement park.

Alisa (Allu) was born 8 months earlier but the same year as Bobo. Their future house is just about few kilometers west from our new house, which means Bobo and Allu will go to the same school in the future. We hang out quite often before me and Päivi both returned to work. Päivi is a flight attendant at FinnComm airline. :-)

It was then Allu's birthday party in April, we met last time. Yeah, it's been a while. So great to see each other again!!!

Today is extremely warm, actually hot under the sun. We dashed to the park 30 mintues after the gate was open (11am). It's perfect, the park is not yet packed with people. We were able to enjoy most rides for under 100cm without queuing. Both Allu and Bobo have a day pass which allow one adult accompany for free. There are totally 9 rides for children under 100cm height.

(Hmm, what about have this Pooh at home?)

(a big hug for Tiger)

(one more...)

(sweat Allu)

Us, parents also had chances to enjoy few best rides of Linnanmäki, for example, the space shot and the wooden roller coaster. The wooden roller coaster was built 1951, it is by far our favorite ride. Each time we would go for a number of rides. It's up and downs and nice wooden smells make it the best! It's said some young girls would wait to ride only with their desired drivers. Since each drive has different driving style and controlling speed and make them special.

(walking in the "rain")

(bit rest)

(Helsinki city view)

(Linnanmäki, space shot and wooden roller coaster etc.)

It is a fantastic day! We will do it again soon...

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Just one year to go for the 2008 Beijing Olympic game! Tuomo has been telling that we should go to see the game next year. It's a rare occasion and the first time for China to host the game. Before Finnair started its direct flights to Shanghai, we had to fly to Beijing instead. It was very inconvenient for us. I wonder what would happen, when the game starts? Millions of people rush to the capital. Since most Chinese airlines have rather poor service reputation, will they live up to the expectations? Then how will be the weather? Boiling hot with sandy storm and heavy pollution?

A sad news to hear that Chinese Yangtze dolphin 白鱀 is now believed to "extinct" due to changes of natural habitat. What a sad story!

Extinction is happening right now with us. What have we done to the environment? When will we wake up and take responsibilities to our behavior? The most important is when and how super powers will stand up for some actions to make up the damage they have done?

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Turn on the work mode

While people are heading back to office step by step, the weather turns warm 25C and sunny. "Damn, why amt I on vacation now?" people have been asking themselves. Heheheeee, I can only laugh in behind that I have escaped Shanghai's boiling hot.

During last 2 weeks I haven't yet gotten over with my vacation mood. Finally it's time to turn the work mode ON. Back to business! At moment, I have one important internal development project to be finished a.s.a.p. Then I am looking forward to starting my PPS2 (Project Management Professional Programme) training and IB (International Business) study. Autumn and winter schedule will be BUSY!

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Language development

Bobo started to say "Mama Papa" when she was about 12 month old. Till few weeks ago, she was only able to speak single words. "S" and "X" seem to be one of those most difficult alphabets to pronounce. They are usually missing in the pronunciations. For example, word "Istu" (sit) becomes "itu"...

Linguist suggests in a dual language family, parents should ONLY speak their native languages in order to express their feelings well. It doesn't matter how well parents are able to speak a foreign language, it still could hinder while expressing their motions. Children intend to be lazy and unwilling to speak a language if it is not used frequently. We have agreed to follow linguist's commendation; that I only speak Mandarin Chinese (not Shanghai dialect), Tuomo speaks Finnish and we both speak English between us. Meanwhile, we can freely speak any languages while talking to a third party. Linguist also points out, a young child is able to learn 3 languages easily from their early age. However if a forth language is introduced too early, it may cause confusing in their language development. We hope Bobo can learn Finnish, Chinese and English through our daily conversation, then later on she can take 1 or 2 foreign languages, such as Swedish, Spanish, Germany or French :-).

Bobo learns Finnish at daycare and home. I have been trying to speak Chinese to her. To my surprise she understands quite much Chinese. Even though she speaks more Finnish than Chinese. One reason I believe is that Chinese is much harder to say, since one single word has 4 tones. Till now I speak quite many double tone words, such as "兔兔, 鸟鸟, 熊熊 etc." instead of "兔子, 狗熊".

Until 2, 3 weeks ago, Bobo started to say double words. And she started to speak triple words last week. Besides, she starts to express herself and copy more often what we say.

She is able to speak istumaan (to sit), nukkumaan (to sleep), bobo nalle (bobo teddy), kuppi riikki (cup broken) and so on. Last night she demanded us to sit next to her playing wooden blocks by saying "iskä istumaan, äiti istumaan" (daddy sit, mammy sit). She would even drag my hand, says "tule" (come) to draw my attention.

How fascinating children's language development is! I can not wait to start a proper conversation with Bobo. Hopefully, in near future she will be able to make sentences. As a result, she is able to express her feeling better.

Today was another sunny day. We went to our lot and picked some blue berries. Later Bobo played bit sand, and made her own "stone sand cake" :-)

(Bobo helped to "pick" blue berries)

(what a great builder)

("Pisa" tower)

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Korkeasaari - Helsinki zoo

After a week of rainy and cloudy weather, finally GOD shows bit "mercy". Weather is promised to be warm and sunny during the weekend. Certainly we are not going to waste it. We decided to go to the zoo.

(on the way to kauppatori)

Helsinki zoo locates on an island called Korkeasaari. The ferry journey from market square to Korkeasaari takes only 15 minutes. This is bobo's second time to Korkeasaari; she has also visited Shanghai zoo last December.

(famous Urho and Otso ice-breakers)

If you visit Helsinki, the market square is a must go. In the summer, it's full of stands selling fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers and Finnish souvenirs. The square is packed with people in such a wonderful weather like today. Hundreds of people are queuing for ferries to Suomenlinna, Korkeasaari and Helsinki sight seeing.

(kauppatori - market square)

(people are waiting for the ferry to Suomenlinna)

Many animals are shied away, we didn't see many of them, only bears, monkeys, reindeer, deers, camels and some birds. A day in the nature is the best get away. We love it!

(let's try sea water)



(what are those? flying ants, hrrrr...)

A young male donkey was found dead after a conflict with an old camel on Wednesday evening. The camel drew a big crowd :-)

(the "killer" camel)

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Sailing Yacht

During lunch time, me and my colleagues went to Helsinki downtown. We ate at a small Chinese restaurant called "Dragon Phoenix". One of our little passion is to find out the best Chinese restaurant in the town :-) "Dragon Phoenix" is run by my fellow Shanghainese. It locates right next to the market square "kauppatori", opposite to the market hall "kauppahalli". It's not big, has only about 30-40 seats.

We find dishes here have it's unique flavor. Compare to many other Chinese restaurants, which most are run by either HongKongnese or Cantonese, "Dragon Phoenix" is definitely on top of my list; not because it's run by Shanghainese.

After lunch, we had a relaxing walk along the sea. The sky starts turning blue, the sun finally comes out. A huge "Perini Navi" sailing yacht is docking on the harbor. I couldn't tell from which country it may come from. A British flag is flying on the tail. In addition, German, Finnish and "unknown" nation flags are hanged on the pole. Such a huge sailing yacht may cost up to 30~40 million euros.

("Perini Navi" sailing yacht - taken by my mobile)

(what might look like in action )

Back to group family care

After 12 days temporarily staying at Riitta's family dagcare, Bobo returned to her own goup family daycare yesterday. Most of kids are not yet back from summer vacations. Only 4 including Bobo were presented; others are Venla, Tuomoas, Sandari.

Bobo was very quiet during the whole morning. She must be wondering what is happening, why she is moved to another place. I believe she does remember her own daycare, but she is yet to understand why? Tuomo has been telling her on the way that she is returning to own daycare, but Bobo kept silence...

According to Eija, one of the daycare lady, Bobo resumed her aliveness in the afternoon. Obviously she is happy; perhaps will forget Riitta soon. I hope she won't. Riitta has promised to visit her sometimes.

In the evening, I made my first apple pie. It was a sucess, Bobo requested twice more icecream with warm apple pie. She also learnt to say "pirakka pirakka" (pie pie). Daddy loves it as well :-P.

The weather turns sunny today! It welcomes Rolling Stones' concert in Helsinki... 35 000 rock fans showed up. Finns do love rock music, last month was Metallica, 45 000 joined them at Helsinki Olympic stadium.