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Sunday, August 19, 2007

Potty training

It has been continuously few days for Bobo to pee in potty before taking shower. She is very excited and happy for it. It's another step forward. In the daycare, kids are put to potty each time after the meal. It's said to be quite effective. I was told that it's baby's nature instinct to know to hold the pee. When the time comes, it will come. Still many parents suggest to start potty training at latest of age 2. We haven't been intentionally training Bobo, usually she demands to go to use potty by herself. And most of time, there is nothing come out :-)

We start to have bed time reading for 3 weeks, Bobo loves it. I have been telling myself to read more books, but failed to keep this promise. Perhaps I should cut the time spending on the net. Reading is important...

(Bobo reading)

Today after a rain shower, the sky turned blue. We went to the lot. I decided to walk to check nearby stable, luckily horses are outside.

(check horses)

Very disappointing bean harvest year, I was only able to pick very few of them. I miss the year before that I got over 3 kilo of them.

(poor harvest)

Garage is ready for outside wall, it might take few more weeks before Tuomo is able to continoue working on the main house.

(garage is ready for wall)

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