Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Sunday, September 09, 2007

The best...

Imagine one day someone asks Bobo "Anniina, who makes the best cake?" Bobo replies without any hesitation "Of course my Mammy!" :-)

(mammy's cake)

In our family, there is a "Pulla Hiiri". A Finnish joke, translated as "Sweat bum mouse". Tuomo doesn't like other Finns love coffee, instead he drinks tea with milk. Whenever he drinks tea, there always be some cookies, pies , sweat bum or cakes. I made pies and cakes more frequently before Bobo was born. Now there is hardly enough time for this hobbie of mine.

After a busy week, finally today I have some time of own.

(beat egg with sugar)

(beat flouer with baking power)

(bake in oven 175C for 20mins)

(leave it cool)

(cut the cake to 3 layers)

(moisture the cake add fruits fillings)

(layered with cream)

(repeat for the second layer)

(add top layer)

(coated with cream)

(more cream)

(put decorations on top)

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