Lilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Long time no see "Tontti"

Another sunny day! After making some dumplings, I packed some of Bobo's playing gear (rain clothes, rubber pants and rubber boots) we headed to the lot. The weather is getting chilly, rrrhrrr, winter is surely on the way...

Bobo is quite happy that we are visiting the lot. Perhaps in her mind, its a land of adventure and lots of new things. Tuomo is currently working on the garage wall, once they are ready (hopefully before the first snow fall), he should concentrate on the main house.

Bobo was eager to to play her three wheel bike which was given free my Tuomo's colleague. Daddy has repainted bit. Hmmm, it seems still few more center meters to grow before she can reach the pedals. Anyway, you can see how happy she was! :-P

(Bobo on bike)

Very few lingo berries were still visible, Bobo was excited to discover them. Heeeheee, she fell down few times in the forest and even laughed by herself. You see with that much clothes on like a little little bear, it doesn't matter that much.

(Little little bear)

(Resting a bit)

Garage's chalk walls are up, just waited to put outside wooden panels. After that it is ready for this winter...


Hopefully till next weekend, we will see you again!

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