It's time to check our lot again...
There are plenty of wide blue berries, lingonberries and raspberries. Bobo enjoys finding them, "Tällä tällä" (here here) she says. Of course she didn't forget eating them either, heheheeee, and ended up dark mouth and blue spotty sweater.
(blue berries)
Soon it will be mushroom picking season. Since there has been much more rain this year, I speculate it will have a good harvest. I find it's hard to believe how slowly my beans have been growing. Perhaps it's because I used another brand seeds. Or somebody else (rabbits) have payed a visit to my beans? Besides beans, my pepper remains only 15cm tall since April. No signs of any peppers...
(some small beans are coming)
(bean flowers)
Our car garage has got its roof, after some wall job. Tuomo can continue main house work. Hopefully we will move in before Bobo's 2nd. birthday. What a Marathon project!
(two-floor car garage size of a city house)
(main house)
(busy ants have created own highway along the stick)
Finally nothing better than having some fried dumplings for a treat! Forget diet...
(fried dumplings)
强啊.. 真能干... 这叫能者多劳阿... 嘿嘿...
Admiring your life there.... :-)
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